Computer Science in Focus: Kindergarten
- Level Elementary School
- Number of Lessons 30
- Grade K
This course is designed to provide computer science instruction for kindergarten students. It is meant to be taught approximately once a week by a designated computer science teacher.
Getting Started with Coding
Welcome to CodeHS!Students will learn how to log in and use the CodeHS Playground. |
Digital Literacy
Input DevicesStudents will be able to identify and use computer input devices.Mouse PracticeStudents will demonstrate mouse skills by dragging and clicking with the mouse in multiple games.Keyboard IntroductionStudents will be able to use the letters, numbers, and basic functions of the keyboard effectively. |
Coding Lessons & Projects
Sequences (Unplugged)Students will be able to create a sequence of step-by-step instructions (an algorithm) to a short dance.CodeHS Coding Card Game: SequencesStudents will be able to work together to create a sequence of instructions to move Scout through a maze.CodeHS Coding Card Game: Sequences 2Students will be able to work together to create a sequence of instructions to move Scout through a maze.Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr Part 1Students will be able to decompose a simple task and use a sequence of blocks to complete the task.Unplugged Introduction to ScratchJr Part 2Students will be able to repeat simple sequences with loops.Introduction to ScratchJrStudents will be able to navigate the ScratchJr interface to create a scene with characters.Skills Practice: SequencesStudents will be able to create multiple sequences.Skills Practice: EventsStudents will be able to create a program using events.Drawing Tools: Fairy Tale PaintingStudents will be able to use painting tools to create a fairy-tale scene.Introduction to Speed BlocksStudents will be able to create a program that uses different speed blocks to animate charactersIntroduction to PagesStudents will be able to create a program with multiple pages.Using the Go To Page BlockStudents will be able to create a program including a “go to page” block to switch from page to page in an activity.Introduction to Show and Hide BlocksStudents will be able to use "show" and "hide" blocks in a sequence to make characters appear and disappear.Introduction to Grow and Shrink BlocksStudents will create a program that uses "grow" and "shrink" blocks to change the size of characters.Introduction to Message EventsStudents will be able to create a relay race program that uses messages to trigger actions between characters.Storytelling AnimationsStudents will be able to retell and program the sequence of a story.Introduction to the Wait BlockStudents will be able to create a program that uses the wait block to pause a program.Storytelling Animations Part 2Students will be able to design a program to retell the sequence of a story.Garden ProjectStudents will use events, grow, shrink, hide, and show blocks to animate seeds growing in a garden!About Me ProjectStudents will be able to plan a program to describe their characteristics and interests.LoopsStudents will be able to create a program using loops and explain how loops are used to repeat code.Loops Part 2Students will be able to use blocks inside and outside of a loop to create a soccer program.Introduction to DebuggingStudents will be able to find and correct bugs in sequences.Creating ShapesStudents will use events to program shapes that can respond to user interaction. Students will combine the shapes to create a more complex shape.Wildlife Scene ProjectStudents will be able to create a wildlife scene in ScratchJr using events, sequences, and loops. This project can be used as a cumulative review of ScratchJr programming fundamentals.Create a Chicken Crossing GameStudents will be able to program an interactive player character and adjust the difficulty of play in a game. |