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A Comprehensive Middle School Computer Science Pathway

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Curriculum Tailored for Middle School

Introductory level block-based programming courses prepare students to pursue more advanced computer science opportunities in high school and beyond.

Comprehensive Computer Science Pathway

CodeHS middle school curriculum provides a customizable, vertically-aligned pathway to unify a K-12 computer science program at any district.

Aligned to State and National CS Standards

CodeHS offers robust computer science courses and CTE pathways aligned to state and national standards such as CSTA, ISTE, and more.

The earlier students are exposed to computer science, the more likely they are to pursue advanced courses in highschool and beyond!

Rachel Devaney

CodeHS Middle School Curriculum Developer

Middle School Computer Science Pathway

CodeHS offers robust computer science courses and CTE pathways aligned to state and national standards such as CSTA, ISTE, College Board Advanced Placement, and more.

5th 6th 7th 8th
Intro to Programming with Karel the Dog (Ace)
Intro to Python with Tracy (2022)
Computing Ideas (Lovelace)
Creative Computing (MS)
Creating a Game in Roblox
Digital Art with p5.js

Explore a CodeHS Middle School Course

Explore Course Catalog

The Karel modules in the Javascript course are by far the best way to get kids started in coding.

Joseph Thompson

Mcdonogh School, Owings Mills, MD

CodeHS Middle School Courses Include Everything Needed to Teach

Videos & Slides

Short, digestible video tutorials covering programming topics and concepts in the upcoming lesson.


Student badges awarded after mastering key concepts -- teachers can also create custom badges.


Longer, open-ended labs and projects to advance students' programming skills.


Formative assessments including multiple choice questions about the tutorial video topics and concepts.


Comprehensive unit exams and summative assessments to gauge students full understanding.


Program examples to give students the opportunity to explore how the code works in the fully loaded IDE.


Engaging exercises that allow students to design and build programs based on new concepts.

Lesson Plans

Detailed lesson plans for every lesson -- easily print or modify to fit any classroom needs.

Building a Full 6-12 Computer Science Pathway
Washington County School District, located in Utah, built and rolled out a full 6-12th grade CS pathway in just one year with the support from passionate teachers and district administrators.