#Lab 4
Click on the Run button to start the simulation of a terminal window in a MacOS operating system. In this lab, you will use a command line interface to unveil more details about the photo in question. A command line interface typically provides more information that its graphical user interface counterpart (as seen in the last activity) but you do need to know which commands to use. Follow along with the instructions to access more EXIF data.
1. We will be using a program called exiftool. To access all of a file's data, you will type in `exiftool` followed by a dash and the name of the image. The name of our photo in question is `suspect.jpg`. Type a command to find the EXIF data.
2. There is a LOT of data provided here! Scroll through the information to examine and analyze which pieces of data are helpful. Use the guides below to help decipher some information that may be useful:
* **Light Source**
The specification defines these values:
0 = Unknown
1 = Daylight
2 = Fluorescent
3 = Tungsten (incandescent light)
4 = Flash
* **Zoom Ratio**
Indicates the digital zoom ratio when the image was shot.
0 = no zoom
2 = 2x zoom
4 = 4x zoom
3. The program exiftool also comes with the feature to extract specific data of the file. Type in `exiftool-suspect.jpg-gps` to view specifics about the location where this photo was taken.
4. Use a GPS location tool such as google maps to determine where this photo was taken.