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Standards Mapping

for North Carolina Computer Science I


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Describe computational innovations. U3-L1; U10-L1
  1. 3.2 Uses of Programs
  2. 15.1 The Impacts of Computing
Understand input and output in computing systems. U3-L1; U3-L6; U3-L9; U4-L7
  1. 3.5 User Input
Identify errors in algorithms or programs. U3-L7; U4-L7; U5-L7
  1. 1.15 Debugging Strategies
Design user interface. U3-L3; U7-L4
  1. 18.1 Intro to Design Thinking
  2. 18.2 Prototype
  3. 18.3 Test
  4. 18.4 Project Prep and Development
  5. 26.1 Introduction to HTML
  6. 26.2 Structure of an HTML Page
  7. 26.3 Formatting Text
  8. 26.4 Links
  9. 26.5 Images
  10. 26.6 HTML Lists
  11. 26.7 HTML Tables
  12. 26.8 HTML Styling
  13. 26.9 Introduction to CSS
  14. 26.10 CSS Select by Tag
  15. 26.11 CSS Select by Class
  16. 26.12 CSS Select by ID
  17. 26.14 Practice PT: Your First Website
  18. 30.1 Let's Build Mastermind
Understand how binary numbers represent data. U1-L4
  1. 8.1 Intro to Digital Information
  2. 8.2 Number Systems
  3. 8.3 Encoding Text with Binary
Understand how computer store information. U1-L4; U1-L6; U1-L7;U1-L8; U4-L1; U1-L5; U4-L3
  1. 1.8 Abstraction
  2. 3.4 Variables
  3. 4.1 Booleans
  4. 8.2 Number Systems
Understand basic data structures. U4-L1; U4-L2; U5-L2; U4-L1; U4-L3
  1. 7.1 Tuples
  2. 7.2 Lists
  3. 7.3 For Loops and Lists
  4. 7.4 List Methods
  5. 7.5 Simulation
Write programs using sequential algorithms. U6-L1
  1. 1.16 Algorithms
  2. 4.6 For Loops in Python
  3. 4.7 General For Loops
  4. 4.10 While Loops
  5. 4.11 Loop and a Half
Evaluate expressions in an algorithmic process. U4-L1; U4-L3; U7-L2; U7-L3; U4-L2; U5-L3; U4-L5; U4-L7; U4-L5; U4-L7
  1. 1.16 Algorithms
  2. 3.6 Basic Math in Python
  3. 4.2 Logical Operators
  4. 4.3 Comparison Operators
Utilize conditional expressions and selections. U4-L6; U4-L7; U4-L6; U4-L7; U5-L7; U6-L1
  1. 1.11 If Statements
  2. 1.12 If/Else Statements
  3. 1.13 While Loops in Karel
  4. 1.14 Control Structures Example
  5. 4.1 Booleans
  6. 4.2 Logical Operators
  7. 4.3 Comparison Operators
Utilize procedure calls in programs. U4-L3; U4-L7;U4-L9; U7-L1; U7-L3
  1. 1.5 Functions in Karel
  2. 5.1 Functions and Parameters 1
  3. 5.2 Functions and Parameters 2
  4. 5.3 Functions and Parameters 3
  5. 5.4 Functions and Return Values 1
  6. 5.5 Functions and Return Values 2
  7. 5.6 Local Variables and Scope
Understand network structures. U2-L2
  1. 11.1 Welcome to the Internet
  2. 11.2 Internet Hardware
Understand how the internet works. U2-L3; U2-L4; U2-L5; U2-L6
  1. 11.1 Welcome to the Internet
  2. 11.2 Internet Hardware
  3. 11.3 Internet Addresses
  4. 11.4 Viewing Websites
  5. 11.5 DNS
  6. 11.6 Routing
  7. 11.7 Packets and Protocols
Understand how data is sent through the internet. U2-L5; U2-L4
  1. 11.1 Welcome to the Internet
  2. 11.2 Internet Hardware
  3. 11.3 Internet Addresses
  4. 11.4 Viewing Websites
  5. 11.5 DNS
  6. 11.6 Routing
  7. 11.7 Packets and Protocols
  8. 11.8 Sequential, Parallel & Distributed Computing
Understand the impacts of computational innovation. U10-L1; U10-L4; U10-L5; U9-L6; U10-L4; U10-L8
  1. 11.10 The Impact of the Internet
  2. 12.1 The Effects of the Internet
  3. 15.1 The Impacts of Computing
Understand legal and ethical implications of computation innovation. U1-L11; U2-L7; U2-L8;U10-L4
  1. 11.9 Cybersecurity
  2. 11.10 The Impact of the Internet
  3. 11.11 Creative Credit & Copyright
  4. 15.1 The Impacts of Computing
Understand privacy concerns with computing systems. U10-L3; U10-L4; U2-L6; U10-L1; U10-L6; U10-L7; U10-L9; U10-L10
  1. 11.9 Cybersecurity