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Standards Mapping

for South Carolina Fundamentals of Web Page Design and Development


Standards in this Framework


Standards Mapped


Mapped to Course

Standard Lessons
Review school safety policies and procedures.
  1. 1.1 School and Classroom Safety
Review classroom safety rules and procedures.
  1. 1.1 School and Classroom Safety
Review safety procedures for using equipment in the classroom.
  1. 1.1 School and Classroom Safety
Identify major causes of work-related accidents in office environments.
  1. 1.2 Workplace Safety
Demonstrate safety skills in an office/work environment.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Identify the purpose and goals of a Career and Technology Student Organization (CTSO).
  1. 1.4 Computer Science Careers
Explain how CTSOs are integral parts of specific clusters, majors, and/or courses.
  1. 1.4 Computer Science Careers
Explain the benefits and responsibilities of being a member of a CTSO.
  1. 1.4 Computer Science Careers
List leadership opportunities that are available to students through participation in CTSO conferences, competitions, community service, philanthropy, and other activities.
  1. 1.4 Computer Science Careers
Explain how participation in CTSOs can promote lifelong benefits in other professional and civic organizations.
  1. 1.4 Computer Science Careers
Demonstrate proficiency and skills associated with the use of technologies that are common to a specific occupation.
  1. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
Identify proper netiquette when using e-mail, social media, and other technologies for communication purposes.
  1. 9.1 Creating a Resume
  2. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
Identify potential abuse and unethical uses of laptops, tablets, computers, and/or networks.
  1. 2.4 Ethics and Legal Considerations
Explain the consequences of social, illegal, and unethical uses of technology (e.g., piracy; cyberbullying; illegal downloading; licensing infringement; inappropriate uses of software, hardware, and mobile devices in the work environment).
  1. 2.4 Ethics and Legal Considerations
Discuss legal issues and the terms of use related to copyright laws, fair use laws, and ethics pertaining to downloading of images, Creative Commons, photographs, documents, video, sounds, music, trademarks, and other elements for personal use.
  1. 2.4 Ethics and Legal Considerations
Describe ethical and legal practices of safeguarding the confidentiality of business-related information.
  1. 2.5 Cybersecurity
Describe possible threats to a laptop, tablet, computer, and/or network and methods of avoiding attacks.
  1. 2.5 Cybersecurity
Demonstrate punctuality.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate self-representation.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate work ethic.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate respect.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate time management.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate integrity.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate leadership.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate teamwork and collaboration.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate conflict resolution.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate perseverance.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate commitment.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate a healthy view of competition.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate a global perspective.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate health and fitness.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate self-direction.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate lifelong learning.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate effective reading and writing skills.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
  2. 9.1 Creating a Resume
Demonstrate mathematical reasoning.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
  2. 7.9 JavaScript Animations
  3. 7.10 Positioning and Animations
  4. 10.2 Storing Data with Local Storage
  5. 13.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
  6. 13.7 Comparison Operators
Demonstrate job-specific mathematics skills.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
  2. 13.4 Basic Math in JavaScript
Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
  2. 7.7 Challenge: Make a Keyboard
  3. 10.6 Challenge: Create a Survey
  4. 10.9 Challenge: Collecting User Clicks
Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
  2. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
  3. 12.1 Planning Your Site
  4. 12.2 Creating Your Site
Demonstrate an understanding of business ethics.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate confidentiality.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate an understanding of workplace structures, organizations, systems, and climates.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Demonstrate diversity awareness.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
  2. 1.4 Computer Science Careers
Demonstrate job acquisition and advancement skills.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
  2. 1.4 Computer Science Careers
  3. 9.1 Creating a Resume
  4. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
Demonstrate task management skills.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
  2. 12.1 Planning Your Site
Demonstrate customer-service skills.
  1. 1.3 Skills for the 21st Century
Define web terminology.
  1. 7.1 The Script Tag
  2. 7.2 Using the DOM
  3. 7.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
Describe the history and evolution of the internet.
  1. 2.1 Welcome to the Internet
Explain how the Internet functions, including the World Wide Web (WWW), browsers, FTP, URL, ISP and domains
  1. 11.1 Choosing a Domain Name
  2. 11.2 Hosting Your Website
  3. 11.4 What is Web Optimization?
  4. 11.5 Optimizing Web Information
Describe the tools for accessing the Internet.
  1. 2.2 Viewing Websites
Research current best practices and emerging technologies.
  1. 12.1 Planning Your Site
Utilize technical documentation as part of the design and development process.
  1. 8.1 Introduction to jQuery
Explain how websites and social media solve problems in business, industry, government, and education.
  1. 1.4 Computer Science Careers
  2. 12.1 Planning Your Site
Explain what encryption (https) is and under what circumstances it would be appropriate to implement on a website.
  1. 2.5 Cybersecurity
Determine the fault involved in a data breach and research types of protections pertinent for a particular website.
  1. 2.5 Cybersecurity
Explore principles of e-commerce as they apply to web development, mobile devices, banking, and government regulations.
  1. 2.6 Project: e-Commerce
Explain the role of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript (or a similar scripting language) in Web development.
  1. 3.1 Introduction to HTML
  2. 4.1 Introduction to CSS
  3. 7.1 The Script Tag
  4. 7.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
  5. 7.5 Functions in HTML
Evaluate the design of existing websites and their source code.
  1. 9.1 Creating a Resume
  2. 9.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
View multiple websites using various browsers and computing devices.
  1. 2.2 Viewing Websites
Determine the purpose and target audience of a website.
  1. 12.1 Planning Your Site
Create relevant and appropriate content including text, graphics, and hyperlinks.
  1. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
  2. 12.2 Creating Your Site
Develop a design solution for a website including a storyboard, navigation plan, and wireframes/mockups.
  1. 12.1 Planning Your Site
Research and incorporate features that ensure a quality user experience (e.g., white space, page speed, interactivity, hyperlink differentiation, website consistency, responsiveness, accessibility, data usage).
  1. 5.15 Interaction
  2. 7.8 Keyboard Interactions
  3. 7.10 Positioning and Animations
  4. 9.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
  5. 11.5 Optimizing Web Information
Explore and apply color principles to websites.
  1. 9.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
Explore and apply current best practices for web typography.
  1. 3.3 Formatting Text
Critique websites for professional quality in look and layout based on design principles.
  1. 9.2 Layout and Web Design Theory
Develop a file management system for website content, utilizing proper naming conventions for files and folders.
  1. 8.5 Using Multiple Files in JavaScript
  2. 11.4 What is Web Optimization?
Optimize media for web content (i.e., file size, resolution, compression).
  1. 11.4 What is Web Optimization?
Identify and solve coding errors throughout design process (i.e., debug).
  1. 7.7 Challenge: Make a Keyboard
  2. 10.6 Challenge: Create a Survey
  3. 10.9 Challenge: Collecting User Clicks
  4. 12.2 Creating Your Site
Integrate 3rd party code snippets (e.g., embed video, embed maps, and Bootstrap web components).
  1. 7.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
  2. 10.7 Storing Data with Firebase
  3. 10.8 Traversing Data with Firebase
Develop webpages using a text editor (e.g., Notepad, Notepad++, Textpad, and Textedit).
  1. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
  2. 12.2 Creating Your Site
Structure a webpage using appropriate HTML elements (e.g., html, head, title, body, meta, style).
  1. 3.2 Structure of an HTML Page
Explain the purpose of the doctype declaration.
  1. 3.2 Structure of an HTML Page
Explain and use appropriate file structure and naming.
  1. 8.5 Using Multiple Files in JavaScript
Use HTML rules to create functional web pages (e.g., lowercase elements, proper nesting, quotes for attribute values).
  1. 5.5 Semantic Tags
  2. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
  3. 12.2 Creating Your Site
Use a variety of HTML elements to create webpages (e.g., headings, lists, images, hyperlinks, span, div).
  1. 3.3 Formatting Text
  2. 3.4 Links
  3. 3.5 Images
  4. 3.7 HTML Lists
  5. 5.3 Divs
  6. 5.4 Spans
  7. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
  8. 12.2 Creating Your Site
Compare and contrast block and inline elements.
  1. 5.3 Divs
  2. 7.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
Create relative and absolute hyperlinks.
  1. 3.4 Links
Use special characters (e.g.,   © &quote; < > & &mdash).
  1. 3.3 Formatting Text
Demonstrate the use of semantic elements (e.g., header, footer, section, article, nav, aside).
  1. 5.5 Semantic Tags
Embed third-party content into a web page (e.g., calendar, form, map, video).
  1. 5.2 Embedding iframes
Create and modify CSS to format the styling of HTML elements and page layout.
  1. 4.2 CSS Select by Tag
  2. 4.3 CSS Select by Class
  3. 4.4 CSS Select by ID
  4. 5.6 Combining CSS Selectors
  5. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
  6. 12.2 Creating Your Site
Identify parts of CSS syntax (i.e., rule, declaration, selector, property, value).
  1. 4.1 Introduction to CSS
Compare and contrast inline, internal and external styles
  1. 3.9 HTML Styling
  2. 4.2 CSS Select by Tag
  3. 4.3 CSS Select by Class
  4. 4.4 CSS Select by ID
Use CSS to format HTML elements including: a. background (i.e., color, image); b. font (i.e., type, size, and color); c. text (i.e., align); d. border (i.e., width, style, and color); e. list (i.e., style type, position).
  1. 4.2 CSS Select by Tag
  2. 4.3 CSS Select by Class
  3. 4.4 CSS Select by ID
  4. 5.6 Combining CSS Selectors
  5. 9.3 Interactive Resume Development
Format page layout with CSS including: a. CSS box model (i.e., width, height, border, padding, margin); b. absolute and relative positioning; c. floating elements; d. converting between inline elements and block elements; e. responsive design.
  1. 5.12 The Box Model
Distinguish between variables and functions in writing JavaScript.
  1. 7.5 Functions in HTML
  2. 13.2 Variables
  3. 13.14 Functions and Parameters 1
  4. 13.15 Functions and Parameters 2
  5. 13.16 Functions and Return Values 1
  6. 13.17 Functions and Return Values 2
  7. 13.18 Local Variables and Scope
Demonstrate how JavaScript can enhance a project.
  1. 7.3 Creating Elements Using the DOM
  2. 7.4 Styling Elements Using Javascript
  3. 7.5 Functions in HTML
  4. 7.9 JavaScript Animations
  5. 7.10 Positioning and Animations
  6. 8.1 Introduction to jQuery
Create code that obtains and validates input from an HTML form and produces output based on multiple data records (e.g., looping and conditional controls).
  1. 10.6 Challenge: Create a Survey
Comply with legal requirements and standards for accessibility on the web.
  1. 2.4 Ethics and Legal Considerations
  2. 11.6 Web Accessibility
Optimize websites to accommodate users with special needs.
  1. 11.6 Web Accessibility
Discuss issues relating to usability on a variety of platforms and devices.
  1. 2.2 Viewing Websites
  2. 12.1 Planning Your Site
Test and debug websites in multiple browsers.
  1. 6.1 Homepage: Your First Website
Identify and use validation tools.
  1. 10.5 Using Input Fields
Explain the domain naming system.
  1. 11.1 Choosing a Domain Name
Identify the process for obtaining a domain name, acquiring hosting, and uploading and maintaining a website.
  1. 11.1 Choosing a Domain Name
  2. 11.2 Hosting Your Website
  3. 11.3 Using a CMS
Research features and costs of domain name and hosting providers.
  1. 11.1 Choosing a Domain Name
  2. 11.2 Hosting Your Website
Compare and contrast various job positions in the web design and development industry including compensation, required credentials, educational pathways, and work environment.
  1. 1.4 Computer Science Careers
Prepare an electronic portfolio of projects developed in the class.
  1. 6.1 Homepage: Your First Website